Category: inVision

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Publication Data

Publisher: Michael Beloved

Date:   April 11, 2020

ISBN Print: 9781942887263

 ISBN eBook: 9781942887270

LCCN: 2020903729

Pages: 253

Illustrations: 90

Trim Size: 6 x 9 inches

Language: English

Category: Body, Mind & Spirit / Meditation

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Everything about what happened during the breath-infusion practice and meditation of the author~

Detailed descriptions with diagrams~

Learn about advanced kriya practice, inSelf Yoga. Learn how to perceive what happens in abstract meditation. Lear about the various types of inner vision. Tune to astral teachers for inspiration and instruction in higher yoga.

Back Cover:

~ a yogi’s diary ~

Author's Comment:

The notes for this book were to be published as a home-bound volume entitled Yoga Journal 10. The intention was to share meditation experiences where clarity was experiences in the psyche during breath infusion sessions and the meditation which follows.

 I am pleased to publish this in paperback with profuse illustrations. This gives some idea of what was experienced during sessions. Students may use this book for encouragement for practice and also to identify the abstract circumstances which arise during meditation.